Dealing with stress


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What is

Stressed out? Everyday stress symptoms and signs

While work-related stress often takes centre stage, everyday life has its own challenges. These can be just as impactful, triggering similar stress responses that can impact our wellbeing. This article explores the causes, signs, and strategies for managing everyday stress.

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Relaxation techniques to help you reduce stress

If stress is impacting your enjoyment of life, you might find learning relaxation techniques can help. Here are some relaxation exercises to incorporate into your life.

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Work-life balance

While men and women feel the same pressure to spend more time with their family, men often don’t communicate their stress and worries. But sharing thoughts and struggles is a proactive step toward shifting the balance of stress and finding new solutions. Here are some ways you can start to shift your work-life balance.

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Workplace happiness

We are social creatures at heart. We crave interaction, engagement, and connection with others. We can foster good relationships at home with our family, friends and partners. But what about work? Learn how to enable happy relationships at work.

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Work stress management techniques

We’ve all heard the scary statistics about the seemingly ever-growing levels of stress in our modern workplaces, but how can we learn to manage it? Here we explore some of the causes and offer some techniques for management of stress at work.

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Reducing workplace stress - making work a better place to be

While we can’t always control things that create workplace stress, we can learn to manage it more effectively or better yet, find the good things in the workplace!

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What is

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Once referred to as ‘shell shock’ or ‘combat fatigue’, PTSD became recognised internationally after World War 1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. It is a serious condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to function in their daily life.

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Coping with burnout

Learn how to recognise the signs of burnout and get tips and strategies to help you cope.

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Types of decision making

Sometimes we can decide on a course of action because we have some degree of control. At other times, the circumstances are out of our control. Understanding this is key to making better decisions.

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Financial stress

Reducing financial pressure during the festive season

The festive season can be the most expensive time of the year. Between buying gifts, going out to parties, and entertaining, the financial pressure starts to add up! To help you out this season, we’ve put together some tips to help reduce the burden on your wallet.

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Providing support

Financial stress

Experiencing cash flow problems, being in debt, or feeling worried about how you will make ends meet can cause stress and anxiety. Financial stress can also impact your relationships with others. Here, we look at some causes and signs of financial stress and ways to get help.

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How to avoid bringing your work stress home

There are many things that cause us to feel stress with workplace stress one of the more common. Lessen the impact of workplace stress on your home life with these helpful tips.

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