Contact Us

If you need support call our counselling team on

1300 78 99 78

If someone’s life is in danger or there is an immediate risk of harm, call emergency services on 000.

For all non-urgent enquiries please fill out the form below. Enquiries will be answered during business hours.

Please note that printed promotional material is no longer available.

Postal address: Attn MensLine Australia, Lifeline, PO Box 151, Hamilton NSW 2303

We will respond to all complaints in a confidential, sensitive and prompt manner. We shall provide you with an outcome report. Making a complaint will not compromise your right to access our service. Your complaint will be treated fairly and without discrimination.

If you do not consider that your complaint has been adequately dealt with by us, you may make a further complaint to the Department of Social Services. Please refer to their website.


For donations, please visit our donations page or use this postal address: Attn MensLine Australia, Lifeline Australia, PO Box R1084, Royal Exchange NSW 1225