Domestic and family violence


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Man looking at phone with serious expression
Family and Domestic Violence

Changing for Good

The Changing for Good service provides counselling for men who want to continue having healthy and respectful relationships with others.

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Man sitting and looking serious and hopeful
Family and Domestic Violence

Changing for Good: Violence Prevention Program

The Violence Prevention Program is part of the Changing for Good service and is for men who are worried about their thoughts and behaviour escalating to physical violence.

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Close up of man looking serious and thinking
Family and Domestic Violence

Changing for Good: Post-Men’s Behaviour Change Program

The Post-Men’s Behaviour Change Program is part of the Changing for Good service and is for men who have completed a Men’s Behaviour Change Program (MBCP) in the last 12 months.

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Man sitting alone outside thinking and looking at phone
Family and Domestic Violence

Experiencing a violent or abusive relationship

Being in a violent and abusive relationship can take many forms. The most common include physical violence and threats, emotional abuse, social and financial control, and persistent demeaning comments. Learn where to get advice & support when in a violent or abusive relationship from MensLine Australia.

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Family and Domestic Violence

Staying safe

Information and support on staying safe from domestic and family violence including: safety at home, having an escape plan, safety after separation, safety in public or at work, safety on the Internet.

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Two friends holding hands offering support
Family and Domestic Violence

Supporting someone experiencing violence

Abuse and domestic violence can be confronting, upsetting, frustrating and frightening for friends and family. If you are worried about a friend or family member who is experiencing violence or being abused, how you respond can make a big difference. Talking about what’s going on, identifying and naming it are very powerful ways to help.

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Family violence landing tile
Family and Domestic Violence

Abuse and domestic violence

Domestic and family violence in our community is unacceptable. Everyone has the right to be free from harm and to live without fear of abuse. All victims need compassionate and highly responsive support.

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Couple sitting on couch looking away from each other serious
Family and Domestic Violence

Common excuses when using violence

It’s very common for people who use violence and abuse in their relationship to use excuses. Below is a list of common excuses used when violence erupts in a relationship.

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Close up portrait of man pensive and thinking
Family and Domestic Violence

Using 'Time Out'

‘Time Out’ is a process of temporarily removing yourself physically from an anger-provoking situation in order to calm yourself before returning.

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Two men sat talking
Family and Domestic Violence

Talking to a friend about their violence

You might think it’s best not to say anything because you might say the wrong thing. But saying the wrong thing isn’t the worst thing. The worst thing is staying silent. By saying nothing, you’re part of the problem.

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Man upset talking on the phone
Family and Domestic Violence

Talking about violence for the first time

Being honest with yourself about what has been happening is the first big step towards making the change that needs to happen. The second big step is telling someone else about what’s been happening.

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Couple looking concerned sitting at home
Family and Domestic Violence

Understanding emotional abuse

Domestic and family violence can take many forms. One common and often unrecognised form of domestic violence is emotional abuse, an ongoing pattern of behaviour intended to cause harm to a person’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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