Relationship advice for men

Men and intimacy
Some men struggle with intimacy. Here MensLine Australia explores the notion that men have been socialised to appear to be strong and in control while intimacy encourages and enables vulnerability when connecting with another person.
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Ten ways to become a better partner
Relationships are at the core of our lives. In a positive relationship, both partners feel valued, loved and nurtured. MensLine Australia has ten tips to help you get the most out of your relationship.
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Get talking - communication in relationships
Understanding and respecting the different ways in which you and your partner communicate will help strengthen your relationship. Here MensLine Australia explores the ways that you and your partner can talk to each other when there is disagreement, and how to talk about boundaries and come up with relationship agreements.
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Communication styles in relationships - Painters and Pointers
Quite often, issues in relationships arise due to different communication styles. While there are many theories in this area, one that we find interesting is the theory of two distinct, perhaps even opposite, communication styles – the ‘Painters’ and the ‘Pointers’.
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Communication toolkit
This MensLine Australia communication toolkit is designed to assist you in developing your communication skills in your relationships.
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Moving in with your partner
Moving in with your partner can be an emotional, physical and financial challenge. Here, MensLine Australia looks at the main things to consider before taking this step.
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Managing conflict
Although conflict can be a normal part of our relationships and is ‘healthy’ if well-handled, it can sometimes escalate and become destructive. Here MensLine Australia looks at how you can approach conflict in your relationship and the issues to be aware of.
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Common misconceptions about couples counselling
For some men, the idea of couples or marriage counselling is a daunting concept. You know that you have been arguing a lot more recently and neither of you is happy, but is couples counselling the answer? In this article, we address some of the common misconceptions people have about seeking counselling for relationship problems.
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Same-sex attraction
Sexuality can be confusing at the best of times. Here MensLine Australia discusses how feeling unsure about your sexual orientation, or unable to reveal your sexual identity for fear of rejection or discrimination can be a difficult experience and the steps you can take to find support.
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Same-sex relationships - what to do when your partner comes out
Accepting your feelings of attraction to the same sex and “coming out”, can cause upheaval in your life as family and friends may see you differently. Here MensLine Australia explores the issues that could potentially lead to some couples losing their balance once a partner comes out.
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Great songs about friendship and mates
Having good people around you is one of the best ways to protect your mental health. Here’s 10 of our fave songs celebrating friendship and mates.
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Tips for better conversations with men
We often hear that it’s hard to get men to reach out for help. Try using these tips for tailored approaches to conversations with men that can reap better results and help him open up.
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