Men's mental health


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How to promote mental health at your work site

The suicide rate among young tradesmen is more than twice that of other men. Why isn’t mental health at work talked about more often?

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Mental fitness

Preventative action is a vital part of looking after your mental health. Here’s some tips on establishing a ‘mental fitness’ routine.

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Benefits of volunteering

Many people are looking for ways to connect with others and make a positive impact in their community. Volunteering offers a powerful opportunity to achieve both while contributing to your own mental health and wellbeing.

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Five mental health benefits of pet ownership

Does having a pet help with depression? Do dogs help with anxiety? Animal companionship has been shown to have a wide range of mental health benefits.

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Providing support

Changing how we talk about men’s mental health

The rate of mental health disorders between men and women is about the same, yet fewer men access professional help or a service. Men are also more likely to die from destructive coping mechanisms like suicide, drugs and alcohol. Why is that? And can changing the way we talk about men’s mental health make a difference?

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How does free counselling over the phone work?

MensLine Australia is an easy way to access professional mental health care. It doesn’t cost you anything (other than a local phone call) and you don’t need a healthcare card. You don’t even need a referral.

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Male stereotypes and the ‘Man Box’

We are all constantly bombarded with gender stereotypes, but a new study sheds light on the shifting attitudes of young men in the face of negative messaging about manhood.

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Providing support

Help a mate and reduce suicide

Suicide is a major issue in our society. In Australia, it takes more than twice the lives of the road toll, but the truth is we all have the power to do something about it.

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What is

What are the symptoms of a panic attack?

A panic attack is an intense episode of strong anxiety and fear that can happen with or without an obvious cause. Panic attacks occur suddenly and can be very frightening. Understand the symptoms of a panic attack and learn ways to handle future panic attacks.

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The challenge of change

It’s a new year and a new you? We’ve all heard that before, but do we give up on our ambitions so easy. Learn here about the challenges of changing our behaviour and how to nail it this year.

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Tips for looking after yourself

We know building good relationships and spending our time and energy on our family is important. But to keep this going, you also need to spend some time looking after yourself. Think of it as self-maintenance; you have to take care of yourself to care for someone else.

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Significant days

Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week and World Mental Health Day is a good time to reflect and focus on our mental health and wellbeing.

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