Men's mental health


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The power of a good support network

Having a good support network is a vital tool in maintaining your mental health and wellbeing. As social creatures, our relationships and connections are a basic and core need, behind only physical and safety needs in importance.

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How to cope with change

Get useful tools and strategies to help you cope with change and care for your mental health.

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Providing support

Help a mate and reduce suicide

Suicide is a major issue in our society. In Australia, it takes more than twice the lives of the road toll, but the truth is we all have the power to do something about it.

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Talking about suicide

Talking to someone about your suicidal thoughts can be very difficult. Read on for advice on who you can talk to and what to say.

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Why do I want to end my life?

There are many reasons why people think about ending their lives. Here MensLine Australia looks at some of the common experiences that can lead to people feeling this way, and the support options that are available.

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Helping yourself when feeling suicidal

Feeling as though your life is out of control, and that it will never get better is a common feeling. Here MensLine Australia discusses ways in which you can help yourself through this difficult time.

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Providing support

Helping a mate who is suicidal

If you’ve noticed a mate of yours is showing signs he may be suicidal, it can challenging. Read on for advice on the warning signs that someone is struggling and how you can help your friend.

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Making a safety plan

A safety plan can help you get through the tough moments when experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings. Research has shown having a safety plan can be useful for reducing the intensity of suicidal thoughts and increasing people’s ability to cope with them.

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