Relationship advice for men
Tips for adults talking to their parents
Life is busy. In an ideal world, your parents would be a regular part of the mix, visiting them once a week or having lunch on a regular basis. But in reality, this is rarely the case. To help you maintain a lasting relationship with your parents (or at least be polite), we’ve compiled some tips.
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Avoiding misunderstandings
Communication is something we can all improve on, especially if the situation is difficult. Sometimes we may mishear things and get the wrong end of the stick. Misunderstandings can lead to confusion, hurt and anger.
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Valuing the differences in your relationship
There are differences in all relationships. The key is to try and see these differences as something to value, and not as a source of conflict. You can try to appreciate the ways your partner or ex-partner is different from you.
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Active listening
Listening is an important part of effective communication. We have conversations throughout the day, but sometimes we’re not listening as well as we could. Active listening skills go a long way towards addressing misunderstandings and establishing healthier relationships.
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Resolving conflict
Conflict will happen from time to time in your life, but if you deal with it properly, it doesn’t have to be destructive. Here, MensLine Australia looks at the signs of damaging conflict and what you can do.
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Reconnecting with friends
Never have we been more connected to everyone around us. Advances in technology have launched multiple social media platforms allowing us to be no more than just a few clicks away from connecting to someone, or anyone for that matter! Then why is it we’ve never felt more alone?
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Social connections - past, present and future
We often talk about the power of connections and support networks, as having a strong circle of people around you is one of the single most beneficial ways to maintain your mental health. Here’s how you can grow social connections from the past, present and future!
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