What is social anxiety disorder?

Have you felt intensely nervous, fearful or panicked when faced with social situations or events? If these feelings are persistent and recurring, you may be experiencing some of the symptoms and signs of social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. 

Understanding social anxiety disorder 

Making small talk, meeting new people, going to parties, eating in public, giving a presentation, attending a job interview, or even going to school or work can cause many people to feel nervous and a bit anxious. This is common and does not mean that a person has a social anxiety disorder.  

Social anxiety is more than just being shy. Social anxiety is an ongoing intense fear (that is out of proportion to the threat) of one or more social situations. The person may fear being the centre of attention, being judged or criticised, or being humiliated even in the most ordinary, everyday situations. They may also worry that their physical symptoms of anxiety (sweating or blushing) will be evident to everyone. 

When this fear is persistent (e.g. six months or longer), and the person starts to avoid social situations due to worry of being judged by others, it may be classified as a social anxiety disorder. The fear may negatively impact daily life, including study, career, socialising, hobbies, and relationships. 


What can cause social anxiety? 

There’s no one, single cause of social anxiety disorder. Like other anxiety disorders, there may be several causes, and both nature and nurture play a role. The condition often starts in childhood or adolescence. Children who are shy or socially inhibited are more at risk; however, most will grow out of their shyness.  

It is estimated that 11% of Australians may develop social anxiety during their lifetime, and 7% will experience social anxiety in any 12-month period.[1] 


Social anxiety disorder symptoms and signs 

When a person with social anxiety disorder has intense anxiety and fear of a social situation, they may experience some of the following symptoms: 

  • Excessive perspiration, trembling or increased heart rate 
  • Shallow breathing 
  • Upset stomach, nausea or diarrhoea 
  • Difficulty speaking – stammering, trouble concentrating, speaking too softly 
  • Worry that you will say the wrong thing or embarrass yourself 
  • An urge to run away from the situation 
  • Problems concentrating 
  • Reluctance to leave the house. 


If the social anxiety is left untreated, it can lead to further complications such as depression, isolation, and relationship problems.  


Social anxiety treatment 

While it can be difficult for someone with symptoms of social anxiety disorder to seek help because seeing a mental health or support professional requires them to interact with someone, it is essential to do so as recovery is possible with the proper treatment.   

Treatment options for social anxiety disorder include cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), anxiety coping skills such as mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and social skills training. Visit your doctor, who can conduct a mental health assessment and provide a referral to a health professional if required. You can also call a free helpline like MensLine on 1300 78 99 78 to discuss your situation – our counsellors are available seven days a week.  


Tips to manage anxiety 


 If you need someone to talk to, you can call our MensLine Australia counsellors on 1300 78 99 78, or access free online counselling. 


If it is an emergency, please call 000. 



[1] https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety/types-of-anxiety/social-anxiety-disorder 

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